State of the Pin (Feb 22, 2025)

Welcome to the first of what will be a recurring feature here on this blog: "The State of the Pin"! The purpose of these posts will be to provide an update on what has been finished, and what lies ahead.

Among the bits and pieces that have been finished, the shape of the ramp to the upper playfield has been completed. Small details, such as mounting points for switches, lamp sockets, and other associated parts will need to be sorted out; but those will be far less of a hurdle than the main ramp geometry.

CAD model for the ramp on "3D Pinball - Space Cadet", as of February 22, 2025
CAD Ramp model, as of 02-22-2025

With the completion of the ramp that goes to the upper playfield, focus can be shifted to the wireform that returns the ball from the upper playfield, back to the left flipper. Like with the ramp, I expect there to be a learning curve to the relevant CAD tools/commands.

The bulk of the playfield assemblies are also accounted for in the current state of the CAD model. That being said, the 30° Eject assemblies for the Black Hole and Hyperspace Saucers need to be modeled; as those haven't been modeled by anyone to my knowledge. This also applies to the Wormhole Scoop assemblies.

As all the various components are completed, attention will shift towards physical artwork (playfield, cabinet, etc), digital artwork in the form of display components; and lastly, programming the game itself. The programming phase is still a fair amount of time out, but it's important to keep an eye to the future, as programming will also tie in closely with building protoypes (whitewoods, in industry speak).

To everyone who has shown support in the days, weeks, months, and years this project as been taking; thank you. While this continues to be the work of one person, the impact of your support is appreciated; and can't be understated.

Until next time.
