Fonts! Fonts! Fonts!

    With the need to generate a number of mock-ups/samples of "Thank You" credits for the various contributors to this project, one thing has become incredibly clear. A single font, with various size variations, needs to be settled upon.

    Originally, I had given thought to using the very 'round' font used in the Space Cadet software. The initial thought of going with this font is to maintain a level of accuracy to the original work.

Space Cadet "Player 1' Text

    Looking at this font, it was clear that altering it for different size requirements would become an issue, whether it's preserving the sense of roundness, or keeping it all legible. The other option would be to reuse fonts from pinball machines that would've been built around the same time as when Space Cadet was taking computers by storm ("The Addams Family", "Twilight Zone", and "Attack from Mars", among others).

    Games produced by Bally/Williams during the 90's used a fairly consistent font for general information such as the credit count, production credits, and score. These fonts were generally in three sizes: large (bold), large, and small. The large (bold), and large sizes were used mostly for displaying production credits, mode/game state notifications for the current player, and the active player's score. The small font shows up in the credit count, scores of any non-current players, and the final scores after the game is over.

Bally/Williams "Generic" Font, Letter "C"
Left to right: Large (Bold), Large, Small
Source: "The Addams Family"

    This font allows for a number of different sizes, legibility across those sizes, and continues the design language of a pinball machine from the 90's. That being said, some special fonts will still be used for attract mode displays when the game isn't being played. For the time being, the focus will be on producing a reference sheet for the generic Bally/Williams font, in it various sizes.

    I'd also like to take a moment to thank the donors to have contributed to the Ko-Fi campaign for the game's cabinet. These generous people have taken the fundraising from 0% all the way to 29%. I appreciate their support and enthusiasm for this. Without your support, this project would move much more slowly. And the slower this project moves forward, the longer we all have to wait to play this piece of our memories.

    If you'd like to contribute as well, check out the Ko-Fi HERE. You can also follow along on other platforms as well. The Linktree directory can be found HERE. (Both links will open in a new tab)

Until next time, keep flipping!
