A *Stern* Bit of News

    It is with a heavy heart that I bring news that "Mission: Space Cadet" as a WPC-based title is dead...

    Instead, it will be based on the Stern Pinball SAM platform! This decision is based on a number of reasons. The first being the larger switch matrix; going from the WPC 8x8 matrix to the SAM's 16x8 matrix will allow for less switch compacting (such running groups of pop bumper switches in parallel instead of each being their own switch in the matrix).

    Along with a larger switch matrix, using the SAM platform as the base for "Mission: Space Cadet" also gives me access to the Magnet Processor Board featured on Premium and Limited Edition "Metallica" machines. Having this board as a part of this project will improve the 'Gravity Well' feature. For those who do not know, the 'Gravity Well' was a feature that shifted the gravity of the game towards the middle, and if the ball rolled over the insert at the center, extra points would be awarded.

    While I'm saddened, to a degree, that I won't be able to use the WPC platform as the base for this project, having all the benefits of the SAM platform make me feel better about this choice. There is also the bright side of having not begun the programming phase, so there isn't anything on the project that needs to be completely renovated.

    There is still some playfield work to be done, but as that continues to move along, some energy will be devoted to starting the initial programming, using the Mission Pinball Framework.


  1. What is the reason for not going full custom with P3-Roc or FAST hardware?

    1. An excellent question! At the beginning of the project, when I was deciding on a platform, using a P3-ROC did cross my mind. However, the P3-ROC doesn't have DMD support, a feature I wanted to include instead of using an LCD panel emulating a DMD (a la ColorDMD).

      The choice to use a DMD is rooted in trying to keep the machine feeling as close to a mid-90's, early-2000's machine as possible. So the initial plan was to use WPC boards, but we all know how that went. And again, having the ability to just drop in the Magnet Processor Board without any sort of hackery is a huge plus as well.

    2. I thought I had heard you mention DMD before and that certainly explains the decision. Given however the nature of the scoring display of space cadet (your picture above a good example) I think LCD would be just fine, even if not quite era appropriate. either way I'm following along, wasted many hours I'm sure on space cadet back in the day at work. MPF can do a DMD effect on an LCD display fairly easily. I'm debating whether to put the effect on one of my current projects, also mid-90s video game based, for the same reason.


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